Cambridge Resurfacing

The Lodge, Cherry Hinton and Dundee close

The projects were completed in July of this year as part of the ongoing programme in Cambridge with our client FPM.

The work at the Lodge spanned over 4 days & consisted of excavating an existing footpath and resurfacing with new tarmac.

The existing surface was dug out to a depth of 100mm with a mini digger. New concrete edgings were installed on a concrete bed & haunch & the surface was swept and primed with a tack coat emulsion. Save

A tarmac base course was laid & compacted in preparation for the 40mm thick, 6mm dense surface course to finish off the resurfacing.

Dundee close ran in conjunction with Cherry Hinton and this job involved excavation of a grassed area and the instillation of a new tarmac footpath.

A Mini digger was used to excavate the soft surface to a 220mm depth & the spoil was disposed of offsite.

The existing sub-base was compacted, allowing for the installation of new concrete edgings. Weed killer and a layer of geotextile terram was applied to suppress vegetation & weeds & a layer type 1 stone laid & compacted.

All ironworks were lifted to new levels before laying a tarmac base course & the job was completed by laying a 6mm surface course.

Published On: October 14th, 2021 / Categories: Surfacing /

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